New job: day 1
Information overload!
Life doesn't have to be a spectator sport
Reviews have varied, but I went to see the new Superman film last night and have to say I really liked it! Highlights included Superman looking pretty stunning (in a preppy kinda way), some brilliantly cheesy lines and Kevin Spacey being a fantastic baddie.
I just read my friend's blog where she mentions a dream she had about Prince. Not sure what that means (apart from that she's slightly mental) but it reminded me of my dream the other night.
It's official, I can't live without a mobile phone. Apparently I am incapable of turning up where I say I will and at the right time...even with the best of intent (it turns out there are 3 Blue Post pubs in Soho).
I love a sunny day in the park! Adie’s birthday was spent ‘school sports day’-style…a softball game, a birthday picnic, a fancy dress relay and an healthy smattering of stick-on moustaches. Another brilliant day to remember.
What did you do last night? I "networked". It's what we PR's do best because it combines two of our core competencies - drinking and talking.
Only slightly more interesting than Leo Sayer...I fell asleep after my alarm went off this morning. I was TWO hours late getting up and also - reasons TBC - sat infront of Big Brother for a good 20 mins before leaving the flat.
The sun is out, the sky is blue, there's nothing left for me to do (at work)...
I've just sent my application to get Gordon Ramsey into my kitchen (oh yes, I'm hard at work here). The F Word was after veggies who 'love to eat, but don’t know where to start in the kitchen'. Me!
I'm coming to the end of my notice period at work and finding time to sort out all my stuff.
One week on, one body pump class in...and my legs are in complete agony. I'm working on a 'controlled sit down' manoeuvre and avoiding stairs wherever possible. No pain, no gain...right?!
I'm often struck by how amazing this city is. Yesterday I was sitting by the river with friends...the Tate Modern was behind us and we had a perfect view across the Thames to St Pauls Cathedral and the Gherkin...and it hit me again. Today of all days it's so important to remember
Earlier this year I decided that cancelling my gym membership and replacing it with a range of sporting activities (yoga, swimming, rollerblading, tennis) throughout the week would be more effective in shaping up. It's not as daft as it sounds, based on evidence that a varied fitness programme provides a better work-out for the whole body than the same old gym routine every few days.
Is it too tragic that I heard about a soon-to-be-launched website called and got excited about a new magazine for girls in IT?