a bit distracted

Life doesn't have to be a spectator sport

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Gym bunny

Earlier this year I decided that cancelling my gym membership and replacing it with a range of sporting activities (yoga, swimming, rollerblading, tennis) throughout the week would be more effective in shaping up. It's not as daft as it sounds, based on evidence that a varied fitness programme provides a better work-out for the whole body than the same old gym routine every few days.

However, various factors collided - primarily the lack of guilt-ridden monthly direct debit from my bank account and an inability to turn down "one small glass of wine" after work - to scupper this theory and my jeans are telling me that it's time for a rethink.

Last night I admitted defeat and re-instated the direct debit.


At 4:20 PM, Blogger PR Baby said...

I might have to take some of the responsibility for the "small glasses of wine" after work. I plan to spend my cash on continuing the drinking though - gyms aren't half much fun as the pub.


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