Australia...the movie

With just six working days until I head to Australia (the country), I was very excited to see Australia (the movie) last night. Especially given my doubt over whether Hugh Jackman is indeed the sexiest man alive...controversy enough to drive me to the box office.
Having read a few reviews, including that of trusted film buff friend, I was ready for the quirkiness of Bas Lehmann, the epic duration and to be right royally woo-ed by the aforementioned Jackman. But nothing prepared me for the exhausting journey that this film took me on. By turn I was hanging on to the edge of my seat, laughing out loud, crying into my tissues (thanks Deema!), wondering at the atrocities of war and holding my breath in anticipation...
Sometimes I think I see too many movies, because I can hear a title and know I've seen it but be wracking my brains for the storyline. This is a movie to relive, to ponder and to savour. And one to add to the DVD collection as soon as it's out.
Oh, and aside from a couple of scenes that literally made me and Deema swoon (out loud!)...I still say Brad Pitt rules the sexiest man charts!
Go see!
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