a bit distracted

Life doesn't have to be a spectator sport

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Dubai....land of frustrations

Homelessness now coupled with sleepless nights about losing the flat. The problem is the deposit - it's not much, but nothing seems to work here like it should do. HSBC Fraud Squad even went so far as to shut down my account because someone (me, you fruitloops!) attempted to withdraw two vaguely big transactions in a row! Good to see they're on the case....but not exactly convenient in the circumstances. Putting to one side the idea of a bank raid and other money-generating schemes, I'm getting a cheque through work, which is very helpful of them considering I don't start officially til next week. But if only there was some sense of urgency from the letting agent in getting this done...

Fingers, toes and everything remain crossed in the meantime that the flat is still mine when I have the money in hand.

Frustrations aside, it feels like I'm on holiday rather than trying to set up a new life here! James - by some alcohol-assisted miracle - hauled me to kareoke with promise of tequlia. That explains how I managed to lose yesterday! Today there seems to be nothing for it, but to lie by the pool, soak up the sunshine and wait for my shoes to arrive.


At 4:05 PM, Blogger Loz said...

Hmmm, did you sing? I'll bet you didn't.

I have your shoes and will be deciding on a suitable ransom in the coming weeks.

Also keeping all things crossed.


At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Booo. I, too, am keeping everything crossed.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger @EmVicW said...

Did you get the flat? Once you have a home let us have your address and you just might get an Xmas card... :-)

At 1:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I sympathise with the HSBC problem. When we were travelling they put a stop on my account so many times I ended up e-mailing them our travel itenary!

Hope you get it sorted honey.

At 11:39 PM, Blogger @EmVicW said...

Not very distracted recently are you? ;-) are they working you very hard?

Your audience wants to hear of all the trouble you are getting yourself into!

At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're a fucking bitch


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