a bit distracted

Life doesn't have to be a spectator sport

Saturday, November 24, 2007

A bit distracted...in Dubai

Hurrah indeed!

After months of packing, planning and teary goodbye's, I've landed in Dubai. The final moments on British soil were not without termoil. My trusty driver and I got lost in the backwaters of Hounslow (thanks Loz), finally taking the scenic route to Heathrow via the Feltham Correctional Facility. Nice final memories from the UK!

On arrival at the airport, it hadn't occurred to me that my entire wardrobe (minus a few winter jumpers) would be over the baggage limit. Shipping them a week behind was the only answer, providing a convenient distraction from the trauma of leaving my Twickenham life behind.

I had a cosy seat on the airplane (eventually) next to a man that smelt like a brewery and drank Stella all the way. So thank goodness for Dr Troy on Premonition and my ability to sleep the rest of the way to Dubai.

Since then, it's all been sunny and lovely. A very warm welcome from the Bennetts, and a few drinks with new colleagues on my first day in the new city. Oh and a mad dash to the Mall of the Emirates when I realised what was in that second bag...my entire shoe collection!

...so what's new with you?


At 2:23 PM, Blogger @EmVicW said...

Yay! She is back! Glad to hear you arrived safely, although no shoes for a week is rather disasterous! What's new with me? Oh just that I am really busy at work since my boss left. 2008 practice plan drafting... :-)

Http://thoughts-on-everything.blogspot.com never went away so let's resume talking through our blogs!

At 9:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How's sitting next to stella man a bad thing?

Glad you're there/alive - miss you already!


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