You know you've been abroad too long when...
Your attempt at drawing a pound sign goes horribly wrong
You can't remember where - or when - you last saw your brolly...or how to switch on your windscreen wipers
You have to ask very specifically not just for milk, but COLD milk, in your tea
You no longer fill up on petrol, it's gas...and YOU don't do the filling up
Flip flops out-number boots in your wardrobe
You get really annoyed by people that don't put international dial codes on their email signatures
I'm sure there are loads more that I rant on about every day, but these are some that occurred to me during a 1 1/4 hour conference call.
You find yourself saying "no worries".
You start converting pounds to dollars (Jimmy Choos cost a LOT of dollars).
You have a favourite meusli but wouldn't even know where to start in finding a replacement in the UK.
You try to refer a journalist contact to a PE at your old agency, but everyone you know has left and the juniors were still at uni when you were there.
You visit home and are heard to comment "gosh this whole pre-pay bus ticket thing is new"
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