a bit distracted

Life doesn't have to be a spectator sport

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Wish you were here...

One of the best things about living overseas is the thought that occassionally the people back home might be thinking of you - preferably in a nice way - and maybe missing having you around. But one of the scariest is definitely the fear that people don't.

So it is guaranteed to make me all warm and fuzzy inside when I get a random text from friends back home. The most random usually come from my boys - Jaxy and Loz - and I have to say they did themselves proud earlier in the week.

Loz: They're pulling down the Wimpy in Twickenham

Right! We never went in Wimpy, but did spend long hours in the Costa opposite musing over the fact that a fast food chain served beer and debating whether we should try it out. We never did.

That very same night (suggesting they were up to a spot of cheeky Monday night drinking) Jaxy sent me a picture of my own flat. Surely, the absolute definition of random! Although it was reassuring after the 'Wimpy in demolition shocker' news to know that my property was still standing.

Having taken another look at the mug shot (featuring Loz and Tring A), it has just twigged where they are...

Seriously - I may have left town but that is no reason to lower your standards. Get out of the WWE you dirty boys!!


At 4:50 AM, Blogger @EmVicW said...

Hee hee - that's really funny :-)

And I never knew the Wimpy sold beer!! We were always told when I was at school that girls who went to the Wimpy got pregnant. I always wondered what they put in the shakes...

My word recognition today is cusses. I like that.


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