Crisis is the new black
An IM conversation with a friend just now went something like this:
Her - having client issues
Me - uh oh
Her - but as I was saying this morning...
Her - I'm definitely more comfortable when faced with a crisis (actually she said crisit, but we'll let that one pass)
Me - haha, it's the new comfort zone for 2009
Me - if you're not in crisis, something is about to go wrong
It struck me as incredibly insightful for a couple of PR bunnies that were happily nattering away.
I can't help thinking we're onto something. Crisis is the new comfort zone - if whatever can go wrong will, then we're happier knowing what it is and dealing it face on than waiting in a moment of calm for crisis to strike. And you know it will - just as soon as you grab a cup of tea and sit down.
So there I see an upside to economic turmoil. It gets rid of the cobwebs that say all is going to plan. Business leaders, government officials, PR bunnies alike - we're all more on our toes...on the ball...switched on and tuned in.
Crisis rocks!
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