Silence is golden
Boy, when the shutters go down in this town, they really shut tight. I'm hearing a lot of frustration from journalists that simply cannot get companies to talk since the whirlwind of economic turmoil hit the shores of Dubai. Imagine what it would be like if we were as badly affected as the rest of the world!

At times like this there can be reputational value - both current and stockpiling for the future - in sticking ones head above the parapet, if only to utter the words "business as usual", rather than lodging head firmly in sand and letting potentially damaging reports, based on assumptions and heresay, fill the business pages.
I've always been a bit of a quote collector - my A Level economics folder cover could be published in its own right - and here are a few lines I'm storing up for use at the appropriate time...
"You can't stop communicating. Even when you say nothing, that's a statement" (Watzlawick)
"In an information vacuum, corporate reputation is created by others" (my boss)
"You say it best when you say nothing at all" (Boyzone I believe, but not entirely on message!)
As you can see...I'm struggling for succinct words of wisdom!
I think the final one was actually Ronan Keating...
I'm happy to admit I didn't know!
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