a bit distracted

Life doesn't have to be a spectator sport

Friday, June 30, 2006

And another thing...

Blogging plays with your mind. Having set up a site, everything you see, hear, talk about and read becomes something to analyse and mull over. Is it inciteful social commentary, or just another rambling?

This is procrastination on a whole new level.


The end of the line

I have a theory that the place to look for missing people is Upminster.

I've never been to Upminster, but quite like to think that it's a town full of lost souls that fell asleep on the last tube home and quite happily settled where they woke up - at the end of the District Line.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Rock and hard place

It's a quandary facing the UK population at large. Who to evict from BB this week - hyper-dull Suzie or ghetto-girl Aisleyne? The problem is, we're in a lose-lose situation because whichever goes, stays...and whichever stays, stays.

And I thought it was the people in the house that were supposed to suffer.

Here's my proposal for BB8 - listen up Channel 4. Stick 10 social misfits in a house but - here's the twist - there aren't any cameras. They think they're going to be the next trash celeb, but on eviction realise the joke is on them. The winner is the one that has lost 10 weeks of his/her life for nothing. Now there's genius.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Lost for words


There a exceptionally few occasions in recent history that I can honestly say I've been lost for words. But the first posting on a new blog...talk about pressure. It's like being asked to "say a few words about yourself" infront of a bunch of strangers when all you can think of is what you did yesterday and the fact you like cheese.

Yesterday I resigned from my job.

And I really do like cheese.

Watch this space.